Early Childhood Partnership is responsible for the delivery of Children’s Centre services in Bedford Borough.
Our services are broken down into three areas:
- Perinatal Services
- Children’s Activities
- Parenting Support
We deliver services from locally based Children’s Centres and Community Venues. We also offer an outreach service to meet with families in their homes. We are commissioned by Bedford Borough Council who provide the funding for us to deliver direct services to the local community.
Children’s Centres are a statutory service which is OFSTED regulated. The Government believes that Children’s Centres should have a clear core purpose, focused on improving outcomes for young children and their families, with a particular focus on the most disadvantaged families, in order to reduce inequalities in:
- Child development and school readiness, supported by improved
- Parenting aspirations, self-esteem and parenting skills
- Child and family health and life chances
Our service is a universal one, meaning that anyone can access it. If you are expecting a new baby or have a child under the age of five, your local Children’s Centre is the place to go for information, advice and support. Additional services and support in Bedford Borough can be found on the Family Information Service website or you can call them on 0800 023 2057
We are also have two Family Hubs – Queens Park and Pine Cones. Our Family Hubs aim to give all children, young people and their families the best support and start to life that we can. By joining up and enhancing existing services, we want to ensure that all families can access the support they need, when they need it. Family Hubs offer support to families from conception to age 19 and up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), with a great Start for Life offer at their core. Access all the Family Hubs resources here.
Explore Our Perinatal Services Explore Our Children's Activities Explore our Parenting Support