Development Workshops: We offer a number of virtual workshops to support parents with their child’s development and various stages of their life. These workshops are delivered via Zoom and can be booked via our Eventbrite page. We offer workshops for:
- Potty Training
- Introducing Solid Foods
The Journey of Parenting (JOP) is a parenting programme generally 4-6 weeks in length and provide parents and carers with ideas and support in specific areas. Parents/carers will also have the opportunity to form friendships and support networks during this time.
JOP Toddler: this session is a four week programme aimed at parents/carers of children aged walking to 3 years. The course will equip parents/carers with a greater understanding of age appropriate milestones, realistic expectations of their child’s development, promoting a healthy brain development, effective routines and much more! Children welcome to attend.
Triple P Baby: This course aims to prepare parents for a positive transition to parenthood and the first year with baby. The 4 week in person course allows parents to participate in a range of exercises to learn strategies to develop a positive relationship with their baby. In addition, you will receive 4 follow up calls, with a trained practitioner to support your family’s individual need. This course is designed for parents with children from birth to 12 months and they are welcome to attend the sessions with you.
Triple P Baby Online: Access a 7-module online course you can do at your own pace, on any device. Videos, activities and a handy workbook. Packed with tips you can use straight away and benefit from for years to come.
Triple P Discussion Groups: We have a range of workshops online and in-person to support you on your parenting journey. The workshops are designed for parents with children aged 18months plus to 5 years of age. Please note that you cannot bring your children along to the in-person workshops and we do not have a creche facility.
Parents as First Teachers (PAFT) is a programme of fortnightly or monthly visits provided by a qualified PAFT Practitioner. It is targeted towards families with children under the age of five who need a bit of extra help and practical advice. PAFT Practitioners can support individual families for a number of months on a one to one basis within their own home. Access to PAFT is through a referral process so either speak to your health visitor or contact us directly.
Mind the Bump is a fortnightly women only well-being group, offering emotional support in a safe environment to address low mood, anxiety and/or depression during pregnancy.
Mind the Baby is a weekly well-being group offering emotional support in a safe environment to address low mood, anxiety and/or depression from birth of your baby until they are 6 months old.
My Choice enables women to think about their own choices and helps them understand the complexities of relationships. With skilled staff and peer group support you will have the opportunity to explore these feelings further, and learn more about healthy relationships.
For more information on the above courses please call us on 0300 323 0245.
Childcare: Finding a suitable nursery or preschool for your little one can be a daunting task. Our team have close links with all early years’ providers in Bedford Borough and they can help with choosing the right setting for your family. The family information service has a list of all providers in Bedford Borough or you can contact us if you would like some additional help.
Bespoke Support: General one to one support can be provided for up to 6 weeks and be tailored according to your specific requirements. Just get in touch or speak to a member of our team and we will gladly meet with you. We can also help to put you in touch with other services in Bedford Borough which may have a specialism’s outside of the Children’s Centre remit such as special educational needs, disability, housing, employment etc.
Book your session here