Like counselling, coaching offers a trusting and non-judgemental relationship helping you make progress with problems you are facing. While counselling focuses more on understanding the problem and its causes, coaching concentrates more on where you are and what you want to achieve. Coaching will not focus on your internal, emotional issues but will help you to re-frame your ‘stuckness’ to enable you to move forward towards the goal that you want.

Like counselling, coaching will help you to understand your strengths, how to deal with the world around you and how to achieve what you want from life. Coaching will focus more on real-life, immediate problems and how to overcome them, such as:
- How to build positive relationships
- Managing your behaviour, including anger
- Developing your self confidence
- Planning how you can achieve what you want for yourself
- Dealing with work or exam pressures
- Motivating yourself and preparing for challenges
- Applying for and getting a job or university place
To request coaching, you can fill in our ‘Request an appointment’ form. Once this is received, someone from our admin team will contact you and forward a client/counsellor agreement form which will include our safeguarding details. If you require any further information please contact us.
Tell us about yourself & request support