There are a number of ways you can get involved with your local Children’s Centre.
- Volunteering your time to help deliver our drop-in services is a great way to develop your CV and experience. FACES Bedford will provide a bespoke training package which will prepare you for volunteering in one of our Children’s Centres or even setting up your own stay and play group! You can contact FACES directly to find out when the next volunteer training course is running.
- Perinatal Volunteers provide additional support to new, first time parents. You may be interested in becoming a midwife or health visitor and would like to gain an insight into how ante and postnatal services provide support at the most crucial time of parenthood. You can volunteer in our Bump, Birth and Baby course, baby brasseries, at Pop-Ins groups or offer your time to support someone on a one to one basis. If you are interested please contact FACES directly to express your interest in becoming a Perinatal Volunteer
- Advisory Board and Parent Forums are a great way of helping us decide how our Children’s Centres are run on a daily basis. By volunteering as an Advisory Board member you will give the rest of the group valuable insight to what it is like to use the services we provide and how we can improve them. Our Parent Forums run regularly throughout the year and we would like these to be led by our families accessing services. If you are interested in helping in this capacity please contact one of the senior team for further information.