Being a Trustee is a challenging and important role. Trustees hold complex regulatory, legal, and fiduciary responsibilities and are often subject to decision making pressures increasingly critical in today’s climate. Get On Board recognises that becoming a Trustee, particularly without significant work and life experience, requires training and upskilling. This will support young Trustees to grow in confidence and knowledge so they can truly belong and contribute to all matters of YMCA governance – from safeguarding to long-term financial plans.
Get On Board is a project funded by the Central and Anglia Trust Fund and delivered by a partnership led by One YMCA that seeks to:
- Attract and support young people (aged 18-30) to become effective YMCA Trustees
- Resource and prepare YMCAs to be welcoming, accessible recipients of younger Trustees
- Provide young Trustee training mapped with evidenced learning outcomes and a suite of micro credentials
- Create supportive peer networks both for participating young people and YMCA Trustee mentors
- Create a financially self- sufficient legacy model of young Trustee training beyond the project
Watch the video below to hear from a real young Trustee, and listen to her experiences being on a board.
What YMCAs can expect from Get On Board
- An introductory presentation around Get On Board to your YMCA
- Marketing materials and a dedicated webpage to support recruitment of Young Trustees
- Preparation for mentoring for Trustee Mentors at the initial residential
- Trustee Mentor and Company Secretary network with other YMCAs engaged in the programme
- A full training programme and suite of learning outcomes for your Young Trustees
- Accommodation, and food costs for the residential elements of the programme for your Trustee Mentor
What Get On Board expects from YMCAs
- A YMCA and Trustee Board supportive and committed to the Get On Board programme
- Attendance of Trustee Mentors at elements of the residential programme
- Availability of Trustee Mentors for 1:1 support and mentoring at least monthly with Young Trustees engaged in the programme
- Attendance of Trustee Mentors and Company Secretaries at respective peer networks
- Early communication of any issues or concerns around YMCA involvement in Get On Board
- Space on the Board for the Young Trustees upon completion of the course as full Board members
Programme Outline
The Get On Board programme is put together to support young people’s journey to becoming full Board members at their YMCA. The course and learning materials for the programme have been created in small bitesize chunks using relational, interactive, and reflective methodologies. Elements of the course will be delivered during the residential parts of the programme (around 40%), whilst the remainder will take place during online sessions. The Get On Board programme has been developed so that all elements can be adapted to work in either face to face or online environments depending on the needs of each cohort.
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