We work with around 9000 families in East Hertfordshire along with professional partners.
The centres deliver a range of support groups and activities for children and their families to help them be healthy, grow and develop. To make it easy for families to fit sessions and services around their busy lives, access is available from any Hertfordshire Family centre.
One YMCA Hertfordshire Family Centres brings together the following local centres:
- Broxbourne Family Centres
- Welwyn/Hatfield Family Centres
- East Herts Family Centres
FCS What's On Timetable
What kind of support do Hertfordshire Family Centres offer?
One YMCA provides Family Support Services in the East Quadrant of Hertfordshire. The Family Support Service is part of the Family Centre Service, which we deliver in Partnership with Hertfordshire Community Health NHS Trust on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council. We help families from pregnancy through to when a child reaches the end of Primary School (aged 11 years). Our purpose is to support children to have the best start in life, develop well and thrive.
Our areas of focus are community engagement and support for families when they face key challenges. Our ‘Emerging Needs’ team provides early help through a range of packages of support. Emerging Needs level interventions often enable families to avoid the need for more intensive support at a later point. Our ‘Family Support’ team supports families with more complex needs through a further range of support packages. Emerging Needs and Family Support teams work in partnership with each other and with a variety of Partners to ensure the specific requirements of each family are identified, prioritised and supported in the most appropriate way.
During 2020 and 2021 the Family Support Service has continued to adapt and develop to ensure support is available for an increasing number of families, as demand continues to rise.
“Throughout these unprecedented unique times, I have been truly humbled by the determination and commitment of you all, our providers, to quickly and effectively mobilise services from our traditional face to face service delivery into a new virtual way of interacting and supporting our families. The dedication that you have all shown in ensuring that families have remained supported has been truly remarkable and I would like to thank each and every one of you in the role you played in making this happen. Without your support and commitment we would be in a very different place today, and I am really very grateful for the way you all worked together to ensure we have been able to continue to deliver effective early help services to our families.’’ Joella Scott, Strategy Manager Early Help Commissioning | Family Services Commissioning| Children’s Services Hertfordshire County Council May 2020

How can I visit?
You can call us on 0300 123 7572
You can email us at one of the following addresses:
You can also find us on social media: