By doubling the number of volunteer hours to over 7500 per year, we will unlock the potential of our supporters helping our charity do more and better together. We will expand the number of volunteer roles available to over 40, and empower over 50 young volunteers to contribute to our services. We will be the charity of choice where people come to learn, fulfil their volunteering desires and to develop their full potential in mind, body and spirit!
Latest highlights (Apr-June 2023)
We have increased the positive impact of volunteers through a Volunteers Week campaign in June, celebrating their work through a thank you evening, and advertising volunteer opportunities. As part of our new ‘young at heart’ focus we particularly thank our 15 fantastic young (under 30) volunteers!
Last year volunteers across the One YMCA family gave over 6,000 hours of their time, leading over 1,500 sessions of activities. These ranged from youth clubs, counselling sessions, cooking lessons, gardening, wellbeing groups, play sessions, being a ‘listening ear,’ and so much more!
Do you think volunteers could offer something innovative or life changing to the people you serve? Could they help your team to double your positive impact? Or could you help people in the One YMCA family say ‘yes’ to volunteering? If so, the volunteer concept is the one for you!
Become a Volunteer Ambassador Get in touch with Concept Champion Matt View our ‘Volunteer with us’ page

Mission 25 is about changing ourselves, so that we can support the individuals and communities around us who need it most – ultimately transforming people’s lives in mind, body and spirit. Doubling our Impact might have started as a dream, but even in the first year, we’ve seen a significant uplift in the way we work and the kind of outcomes we have achieved.
Find out about the inspiring and ambitious plans that our Ambassadors have spent the last year refining…and have already been trialling to such positive effect.
Find out more